Yes, that's right. The Jazzy One has not taken a vacation for eighteen years so this one was long overdue. I used to take vacations each summer with my parents back in the 1960s; most of them to Port Stanley Ontario Canada
( www.port-stanley.com ) where I eventually lived from 2000 to 2009.
( www.port-stanley.com ) where I eventually lived from 2000 to 2009.
Summer was always a fun time back in the 60s (these days all it usually means is more work preparing for fall and winter releases of my work). I spent a lot of time on the beach in Port Stanley and splashing in the waters of Lake Erie pretending to be either Aquaman or The Sub-Mariner; depending on my mood that day. I also spent a lot of time reading comics as summer time comics were full of really neat stuff.

The team-ups also brought characters from comics publishers other than DC/National into the multiverse including the Quality characters (Dollman, The Ray, Uncle Sam, The Human Bomb and Phantom Lady) and the Fawcett heroes (most notably Captain Marvel).

One annual was The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #4 (1967) where Spidey and the Torch teamed up to battle Mysterio and The Wizard.

So did I read any exciting comics while on this vacation? Not per say but I did read a really neat book on the history of the Warner Bros. cartoons and a book on the history of Iron Man. Does that count?
I will still have a chance to read comics on vacation though as I am going away again for a week this coming August. Right now though I have a comic that came in the mail while I was away to read and hope to review at a later date here in E-Dispatches (along with another comic I got a month or so back).
So that's where I have been folks. But I am back now and getting to work once more. Take care and be safe.
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