Now if you aren't familiar with Mike Shayne you can find out more by visiting www.thrillingdetective.com/shaynemike.html. My father introduced me to Mike Shayne. He wasn't a fan of the hard boiled detectives mind you-his buddy Jim Query was-but my father wanted me to try something else other than comics. (He didn't feel that my reading books on Norse and Greek mythology was that much more different than reading comics). Now he tried to introduce me to novels set in W.W. II with little success and while he did get me to read a Hammon Innes book I wasn't impressed.
So one day when we were in a place called The News Depot in downtown London Ontario Canada he came over to me and said "Why not buy this?.".
And what he had in his had was an issue of Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine. Well I took it home, read it and immediately fell in love with the character.

I would love at some point in my career to do a Mike Shayne comic. I think DELL did one once. There was also a Mike Shayne radio show in the forties, 11 Mike Shayne movies and a TV show that ran for one season (1960/61)..
Never saw any of them nor did I ever hear the radio show. Maybe my webmaster might be able to find them and put them up. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
And I still like Mike Shayne. I have a bunch of Mike Shayne paperbacks and I still occasionally read the old issues of Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine that I have. I don't drink Sidecars anymore.
Well, maybe I will try one again one day. For Mike. For old time's sake.
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